About TTI Bursary Management
TTI is a bursary management firm that acts on behalf of large enterprises to aid the deserving students. TTI makes bursaries available to students through the contributions received from several donor companies.
They join hands with donating firms from the inception of the bursary programs up to its completion. TTI bridges the gap between deserving students and large firms by knowing the students’ needs and understanding the client’s business compliances.
TTI’s partner companies include the following:
Old Mutual
Metropolitan Health
TTI Bursary: An Overview
TTI offers bursary programs for undergraduate studies and some post-graduate courses at public universities, Universities of Technology, Technical Vocational Education and Training and Agricultural colleges.
Through their services, TTI aids the companies to overcome the challenges in managing their bursaries. The bursary was established to provide an equal opportunity to all the students irrespective of their background.
Coverage & Value
The bursary covers the following expenses of the students:
Tuition fees
Study material
Monthly meal and transport allowance
The bursary also provides mentoring, coaching, life skills training, industry coaching, and psychosocial support to the students.
By providing the required support to the students TTI ensures that they are completely ready and confident to step out into the world of entrepreneurship and work. They provide mentors that help the students to find out the weak areas and accordingly assist them in strengthening their personal skills.
Some of the partner institutions include the following:
Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Capricorn College for TVET
Central University of Technology
Nelson Mandela University
University of Johannesburg
University of Witwatersrand
University of Cape Town
Nkangala TVET College and many more.
Eligibility Criteria Of TTI Bursary
There are certain minimum criteria requirements that students must fulfill before applying for the bursary. If the eligibility requirements are not met the application may be rejected.
Students must be South African citizen
Applicant must be studying or be registered at a public University, University of Technology, TVET, or Agricultural college that is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training
Students must be black (African, colored, or Indian according to the B-BBEE code)
Students must be studying towards their first-degree qualification
One must belong to disadvantaged background/missing middle (total income earned by parents/guardians must be between R350 000 and R600 000)
One must have excellent academic performance
How To Apply For The TTI Bursary?
Fill up the TTI Bursary online application form.
Students should fill the form carefully and completely. Incomplete applications will be rejected by the company
Submit the documents as specified by the organization
Documents Required
Certified copy of South African document
Proof of acceptance or registration form of the tertiary institution. The proof should be provided on the institutes’ letterhead
Complete academic record. Students should also submit the most recent results on the institutes’ letterhead
A profile photo of the student (head and shoulder)
Additional Information
Students will be placed in the bursary program for which they are best suited
The application forms will be a part of the database which can be used as and when the need arises. Thus, students may be contacted at different times of the year for granting bursaries.
If any documents are missing or incomplete then TTI can reject such applications
Contact Details Of The Bursar
For any queries related to the bursary, students can contact TTI at the following:
Email: apply@ttibursaries.co.za
No matter which field of study you want to opt for, with the help of TTI bursaries and assistance, you can secure a bright future for yourself. After completing the studies, you can complete work or training with TTI. This is beneficial for both students and TTI as students get employment and training while TTI receives an educated and trained member in their workforce.
To become a part of TTI Alumni you can email: alumni@ttibursaries.co.za
Closing Date Of The TTI Bursary
There is no closing date for this bursary and students can apply throughout the year.
Let me know if you need assistance.